Multi-State 4-H Photography Contest

4-H challenges youth to submit their best shot

This latest photography challenge, sponsored by Minnesota 4-H, is open to youth across the Midwest. Youth are encouraged to use their photography skills and creativity to capture their best shot.

Youth as young as kindergarten are welcome to join the challenge. This is a great first experience for people who are new to 4-H. Learn more and register for the “Hit Me with Your Best Shot” photo contest on the Minnesota 4-H photography webpage: “Hit me with your best shot” 4-H photo contest | UMN Extension

“Photography is about capturing a moment in time,” said Julia Nilles, a 4-H’er from Lincoln County, Minn., and past challenge participant. “I love that 4-H photo challenges give me a reason to go out and take pictures of things. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, so by having a reason to go take more photos, I can improve my photography skills.”

Once registered for the challenge, youth can experiment with photography elements to create stunning photographs. On-demand lessons are available on the Minnesota 4-H photography project page, including how angles, light, and composition enhance your photography. 

Youth may submit their favorite photo (with no or minimal editing) with up to three sentences of why it’s special to them. The deadline to submit an image is 11:59 p.m. on March 31, 2022. Volunteer 4-H photography judges will review all submissions, provide feedback and select the top images for special awards. All submissions will be entered into a prize drawing. Submitted images will be featured in a digital slideshow shared with participants and posted on Minnesota 4-H’s Facebook and YouTube channels.

Learn more at:
Contest Rules & Resources: click here
Questions? Contact Crystal Reith at